Friday, May 22, 2009


United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Hosted by: Third Street Ravelers
Location: Rittenhouse Square
Time: 11a - ?
Date: June 14, 2009

How to get there:
As with previous KIP events, we'll be hanging out on the lawn in the south-east quadrant of the park. Look for the people with yarn and needles on blankets looking content in each others company under the canopy of green tranquility.

Please bring:
Bring a blanket or towel or chair to sit on. Bring your WIP! :D Feel free to bring snacks for yourself or for sharing, if you would like, and remember water! Last year was very warm, and hydration while knitting is important. Also, the nearest bathrooms are at Barnes & Noble. Otherwise, just bring yourself and plan to have fun.

The backup plan is:
We have no backup plan. We like to live dangerously.

This KIP is not knitting exclusive
There are no bathrooms nearby.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Socks/Sock Blanket?

I can't stop knitting on my sock blanket.

It's kinda driving me crazy because I want to work on something that I can finish. Like my socks! I'm on the cuff silly person - just go at them.

Or my bag... Or perhaps I should take Hey Teach to the Frog Pond

and start something quick for my mom

or for my best friend who is getting married this fall

or those gloves for my co-worker

or something fun and lace for me

or more socks
